5 Tips For A productive Home Office Interior Design
Setting up a home office can be real fun if you follow a simple blueprint and some key points that can greatly improve your productivity in your newly set up office. Here are some of the key
points you should look for.
1)Home Office Interior Design: Home Office Furniture
Furniture is an integral part of an office. Depending upon the nature of your profession you will require various kinds of furniture pieces.
For example if yours is a business that creates graphics and arts related stuff then you will require drawing boards and a whole set of other kinds of “special” furniture. Make a list of all such special
types of furniture you may require.
2) Home Office Interior Design: Indoor lighting
Pay special attention to this factor. Lighting is a MUST for good working environment. Your first priority must be to allow good natural sunlight in the office space. So while selecting the location of your
office in your home, make it a point to achieve good quality natural sunlight.
Artificial lighting will also be required for the home office space. The best practice is to use diffused or indirect lighting. In this type the actual light source is not directly visible. The light is emitted on a glossy and bright surface which then gets reflected to create an even diffused light in the surrounding are. This method works great for offices because it does not create glare that might cause discomfort in the office space.
3)Home Office Interior Design: Use plants
Plants at selected locations and of selected type can greatly add “life” in your home office. The best suggestion would be shade loving medium side plants that require less water and maintenance.
Also shade loving flowering plants can be used for this purpose. The biggest benefit of flowering plants is that the plant changes its appearance depending upon the flower bearing season, thus giving your
office a “new look” without any effort on your part.
4)Home Office Interior Design: Color Schemes
Just like lighting, color schemes for office will have a major impact on your working mindset. Avoid using dull colors such a gray and any shades of black. Also avoid using too much brightness in the office.
The best option would be white and blue. White is a balanced color and the blue creates a cool ting to the entire office environment.
5)Home Office Interior Design:Services
Services include the provision electricity points, water supply etc. Since we are talking about home office it is not necessary to provide any extra services by spending a lot of money. But it is important to think about it NOW because the lack of these can cause a great nuisance. If you expand your office in near future and add more employees then it will a great asset as far as functionality of your
office in concerned.
I have tried to chalk out some of the features here. I am sure these will help you to generate more home office interior design ideas for designing your own dream office